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Preparing students for the note taking challenges of college BEFORE and DURING their college journey. 

Typing on the Computer

Note Taking Technology & Training Services

Preparing  students for the note taking skills needed in college BEFORE and DURING their college experience

Notetaking Tools Can Benefit Students With:


Poor Handwriting or

Fine Motor Challenges

Auditory Processing Weakness



Difficulty Focusing

Note Taking Technology is a Game Changer For College Students


High school academics and college courses demand different skills in order to be successful. Successful college students are able to hit the ground running on Day 1 of the semester with solid note taking, critical thinking and study skills already in place. College is not the time to build academic skills - this is the time to demonstrate the skills built in high school.


If your student has underdeveloped note taking or study skills, not to worry! There are a variety of note taking software and apps that can help. But college is not the place to start practicing with these tools - practice and training should happen BEFORE the college semester starts.


College Students Need Note Taking Skills on Day 1


Professors will not recommend HOW students should take notes in their courses. Professors assume that your student enters their classroom with a robust skill set of both note taking and study strategies. Many high school students tell us that they were not required to take many notes in high school and simply were not taught - and did not have opportunities - to practice note taking skills. The gap between high school and college academic expectations necessitate that students can take notes during a lecture on Day 1. ​

Note Taking Training is available on these tools:

When I found my note taking app I felt like I could breath in my classes. I didn't feel behind and I actually had notes to study with for my exams. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have a note taking program to help me in college.

Lexi, college freshman, University of Indiana

Happy Student


Whether you and your student are tech savvy or you think technology is overwhelming, we have support for you every step of the way.


Not sure where to start? This is a great place to begin. Our short online assessment will match your student's learning preferences with note taking technology that can best support their academic needs



If your student is ready to learn the features of a  note taking tool, they will work 1:1 with a Technology Coach to learn the ins and outs of their note taking technology.


On-The-Go Support

Available anytime, Technology Coaches can troubleshoot and assist students with how to use note taking tools in a particular class setting, in conjunction with an online course platform or help students become familiar with other  technology features that can support their classroom learning. 



Average rates of speech are 2-3 words per second, but average handwriting is .2 - .3 words per second. Students who are able to take notes in high school because a teacher slows their rate of speaking to allow students time to capture main ideas, may find it challenging to write at the pace of college professors. So what can students do to address this gap in note taking experience and skills? We have the answer! Note taking technology can be a BIG support for new college students. Note taking technology programs have features and options that allow students to utilize the learning style that works best for their brain while also giving them a safety net of a lecture recording, transcription, and various other tools to allow students to focus on the lecture and let the technology take care of the rest!

Are Your Student's 
Note Taking Skills College Ready?

Note Taking & Students With Disabilities

For college students with disabilities, effective note-taking support is an essential part of their academic success.


After completing the accommodation request process, your student may be eligible for a note-taking accommodation, which the college can provide in different forms. Note Taking accommodations can include:


1) A peer note-taker who uploads class notes to an online portal

2) Lecture notes uploaded by professors

3) Access to a note-taking tool.


If your college student is able to use a note taking tool as an accommodation, their college may provide them with a free license to the college's chosen note taking tool or the university will require your student to purchase the note taking programs privately. However, many students may not have the experience or training to fully utilize all of the benefits of a note-taking tool. Unfortunately, most disability offices in colleges and universities do not provide training on these technologies - their only responsibility is to provide access, not training.

This is where we come in!


Our note-taking technology services are designed to bridge this gap, providing no long-term commitment while offering vital support whether your student is in high school or college. Our Technology Coaches work closely with students to determine the best note-taking tool for their needs, ensuring they are not only equipped to take notes effectively but also to prepare for exams.


With our help, students gain the CONFIDENCE and SKILL they need to succeed, turning note-taking into a powerful tool for academic achievement​​

Commonly Asked Questions

Is your Note Taking Assessment similar to a comprehensive assistive technology evaluation? What’s the difference?

Our Note Taking Assessment is not the same as a comprehensive assistive technology evaluation. Our assessment is meant to gather information from your student to identify the note taking program(s) that is(are) the best fit for your student. A comprehensive assistive technology evaluation assesses a student in multiple areas of functioning including mobility, positioning, writing, reading, recreation, speaking, listening, math, organization, etc. The comprehensive evaluation is a multistep process that involves numerous stakeholders and can cost approximately $3,000. For families that don’t know where to start and want guidance in selecting a note taking program, our Note Taking Assessment is a great fit.

Will my student’s college or university train them on note taking programs?

While a few institutions of higher education may have a technology specialist staff member in their Accessibility Office, the majority of colleges and universities do not. Training is not a mandatory responsibility of colleges under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Our technology services are ready to fill this gap! We believe that students need an effective note taking program that matches their learning styles AND customized training in order to create confidence using the note taking tool in their courses.

Do I need to buy the note taking program or do you provide it?

Briefly describe your degree and any other highlights about your studies you want to share. Be sure to include relevant skills you gained, accomplishments you achieved or milestones you reached during your education.

What if my student still has questions after the training sessions?

If your student has questions about their note taking program after their Training sessions, your student can schedule an additional 1 hour On-The-Go session at any time. Before, during or after the semester our Technology Coaches are available to meet with your student 1:1, work at their pace and answer any questions they may have. Students can schedule as many 1 hour sessions as they need.

What if I, as the parent, want to be trained on the note taking program too?

We welcome parents to attend the Training or On-The-Go sessions. Participating in the training sessions will allow parents to learn the ins and outs of the note taking program (if desired) in order to assist their student outside of the training sessions. If parents would like a separate session, we suggest scheduling a 1 hour On-The-Go session to gain an overview of your student’s note taking program.

Download our Note Taking Services PDF booklet to learn more about the importance of note taking in college, types of note taking programs our coaches offer, our rates & more!

I'm Ready To Get Started

If you are ready to give your student the confidence and note taking technology skills to prepare them for college success, we can't wait to work with you. Let's connect and get started!

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