Fast Forward College Coaching
We Are the Experts in Academic &
Executive Functioning Skills Needed For College Success!
The skills needed for college success can be built through repetition, compassionate instruction and rapport building by experienced coaches. Fast Forward College Coaching are experts at helping students improve their time management, organization, planning, and goal setting skills. We also work with students to decrease procrastination & increase motivation in preparation for college!
Our workshop options are offered monthly to fit into your student's busy schedule. Learn these important skills taught in an interactive, structured 1 hour session that supports your learner from freshman year in high school through college. Find out more below!
"Jennifer's workshops are so informative! My son's eyes were opened to the things he needed to be doing to get ready for college this summer. It was nice having him hear it from someone other than his mom! "
-Sandra W., Parent from CT

Workshop Topics
Study Skills
What is “studying”? What do successful students do when they study? When should you be studying, and how often? Learn the basics of 'active learning' and how to use it to your advantage! Identify how the most effective form of active learning -- self-testing -- can be used with spaced repetition to build retention and memory. A perfect workshop to take first!
Ace Your Exams:
Test Taking Strategies
Do you feel like you’re a bad test taker? You’re not alone. Learn research-based strategies to help you build your confidence and improve outcomes on exams! Topics covered include: mastering question formats, time management, strategic guessing, managing test anxiety and much more!
Build Self-Advocacy Skills - Part 1
Learn how to communicate professionally and proactively with professors, tutors and college staff. Strategies and templates will be given for communication when asking for help. Focus on the importance of using support networks in college as a tool for successful students.
Build Self-Advcoacy Skills - Part 2
You understand the importance of talking to professors, but how can you use your relationship in your career/internship search? Learn the most important questions to ask and how to create a professional relationship with professors and the career office on campus to take your career to the next level.
Understanding a
College Syllabus
This workshop is a perfect introduction to college academics. Students will be introduced to the essential 5 parts of a college course syllabus and learn how to use the syllabus throughout the semester. Students will also learn how to incorporate
Intro to Note Taking Technology
We offer 2 part workshops that start with a large group virtual presentation followed by an individual follow-up meeting either virtually or in our CT office. Designed for all types of learners!
Affordable. Convenient. Designed with Your Student In Mind.
All Workshops are only $30 each.
Get ready for college and build your confidence.